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Blog-O-Sphere Case Study On Hitsilo

September 4th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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Before I get into the case study, I wanted to mention that there is some news on the Hitsilo launch.

I’ve been very excited about the HitSilo launch and have been working hard at promotion, both paid and free/organic.  There really hasn’t been much promotion on Google, which left the front page of searches for hitsilo only half-full.  In that half was me, along with the hit-silo.com website, the @hitsilo twitter page, and Jon Olson’s HEN post.

This morning, I’ve been treated to a front row seat of Google Organic Marketing Magic.

It started with a post on a blog called Collecting Blog Posts, which linked to another post at Simpalife, which had a traceback from a post at Organic Blogs…  And the list goes on.

They were all picked up by the twitter page, and suddenly I found myself in 4th place on the 1st page of Google.  And I found myself thinking of all of the SEO tips and tricks that I’ve been reading about, but never really applying for myself.

There’s a concept called an Authority Site, which Google, as I understand, loves.  The concept is, if enough websites link to you with one-way links on similar link texts, Google interprets that to mean that the site being linked to as an authority website on the topic being linked about, which boosts the rank considerably on Google.

Now, the authority website,  before the launch, actually doesn’t do anything (a mistake in this marketer’s humble opinion) for Hit-Silo, but does link to other sites, like Easy Hits 4 U, and their affiliate links for other Logiscape exchanges (which is something, I suppose, even if it will distract folks during the initial mad rush to sign up for Hit-Silo in a few days).  My assumption is that after the launch, the authority site will edit the post and add their affiliate link for Hit-Silo itself.

I’m definitely going to watch it, and am curious to see if it turns out the way I expect.