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My HitSilo Launch Review (Part 1) – Did Logiscape Do Something Wrong?

September 27th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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Friday, Logiscape released their latest traffic exchange, Hitsilo.

The launch was quiet… Almost too quiet.

Nowhere near as exciting as the TrafficEra launch two years ago, that’s for sure.

The thing is, 2 days after launch, I still haven’t seen more than a handful of Traffic Exchange operators advertising it personally – which is odd. Usually you’ll see the membership shoot up fast at such a launch, due to massive promotion by large and popular exchange owners (these are the folks who usually have both a large & influential list, as well as interest in promoting good exchanges for the overall good of the industry).

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad sign against the exchange (not by itself, at least) – plenty of other exchanges have quietly risen up to the tops of the charts – HitBoosterPro and High Hits are two of my favorite exchanges like that. They’re little gems that never had the huge JV launches, and yet they delivery good quality traffic, and will be around for years to come at their current growth and activity rates.

There’s also a new twist to the Hitsilo game – unlike previous exchanges where you were rewarded in credits for your recruiting activities, so far Hitsilo hasn’t shown to have any such thing (there is a PV bonus, but there’s no FAQ on exactly what PV brings you). There’s no Logibucks anymore either. Instead, Logiscape has rolled out a new commission structure which lets you earn up to 70% cash commissions.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about exchange owners leaving money on the table. More for the rest of us, as far as I’m concerned. The upgrades are rather affordable this time – Logiscape’s discovered the One Time Offer this time around, and is offering a 1 year Pro upgrade for less than $110. And they’ve prought the VIP add-on from TrafficEra and called it PowerPlus. There’s another monthly fee on this (Logiscape: If you’re reading this, it really costs too much now – it costs almost as much as the Pro membership, and I personally don’t see the value in it, other than commissions. The Silo and Bonus Credits shouldn’t have the same price tag as the Pro membership!)

Free members start out with a 10% commission on upgrades and credit sales, and upgrading can get you up to 50%. In addition, once you get more than 6 upgraded downline members you’ll max out at 70%.

It’s too early to say how well the traffic is going to convert. More on that soon, but it’s definately going to be around for a long time, and it’s going to be popular!

If you haven’t yet, you should definately join (and upgrade for max results) at Hitsilo.

  1. September 27th, 2009 at 13:38 | #1

    Well of course we will keep checking this one out.
    Great read. Have passed it on my friend…

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