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What’s up with the comment spam?

September 30th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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I know that you loyal readers don’t see it much, but you’d be surprised at how much of this kind of junk I have to put up with.

The odd part about the whole thing is that these are random people – PEOPLE – who are actually solving the captcha form at the bottom of these pages in order to post the spam comments.

What’s up with that?

Even odder (I’d say funnier, but the annoying factor is just a bit to high to qualify as funny – at least on my side) is that it seems to be the same person doing it over and over, by the looks of it, and this person has to have realized by now that there’s moderation enabled and I have the advantage of mass deleting all of his or her comments in one click, while that poor spammer has to copy/paste each comment in, with a fictitious name, and a likely not fictitious website, and the comment content, AND solve the captcha…  I mean, I almost feel bad for the spammers.

I don’t even get emailed when they post stuff, so it doesn’t even have an annoyance factor on me.

Dude.  Whomever you are.  I feel bad for you.  Give it up.  Please?

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