Making Things Fun

October 22nd, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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I discovered this yesterday on Youtube.  Don’t remember how exactly I stumbled across their videos, but I love the idea of what they do.  They’re basically promoting personal and environmental health by adding a “fun element” to menial day-to-day tasks.

My personal favorite is the bottomless wastebin.  I’m still not quite sure if there’s a “plunk” at the bottom of the journey, but the idea’s cool!

It’s good to see that people still have their thinking caps on.

It’s certainly inspired me to think a bit more out-of-the-box on the menial projects and tasks that I work with on a day-to-day basis.

On a bit of a rant, the truth is that traffic exchanges have been working hard at exactly this for several years – how to make the click-click-click more fun and entertaining.  I’ve always thought that that was just to prevent total boredom of the surfers (and it certainly is), but seeing these videos has me re-thinking that idea (and others, in general)

I think there’s a lot to learn from it :)

Kudos to Volkswagon Sweden and DDB  Stockholm for this initiative!