
Archive for October, 2009

The Biggest Giveaway of 2009?

October 20th, 2009 No comments

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6 days ago, I blogged about The Halloween Giveaway, a joint venture being hosted by Guido Nussbaum.  At the time, there were a handful of contributor signups.

Then, less than a day later, I left a message that the number had skyrocketed to near 500.

Now, 6 days later, we’re pushing 1,500 contributors.

In layman’s terms, that means 1,500 folks who are going to be promoting this event to their entire world in order to better their own position in this event.  Meaning that if each contributor only manages to bring in, say 10 members, and it’s likely to be better, that’s already a whopping 15,000 folks coming.

Wouldn’t you like a share of 15,000 visitors?  Even 1% would be nice…  And the numbers still have plenty of time, and potential, to grow.

Well, the good news is that you can still sign up as a contributor.  The bad news is that you have 1,500 other folks to contend for those visitors’ attention.  Of course, 1% of them will likely click on the majority of the gifts, but wouldn’t it be nice to place your offer close to the first thing that new members see if they login?  Maybe up your eyeballs from 1% to 80%, 90% or more?  If so, then you should still sign up as a contributor BUT pay close attention to the screen that shows up immediately after you register, which tells you how to do just that… AND for $100 cheaper than you’ll be able to later on after you finish registering…

All the best in your list-building efforts!

Categories: Blatant Sales Pitches

The Halloween JV Giveaway

October 14th, 2009 1 comment

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The Halloween JV Giveaway launched yesterday.  There wasn’t anywhere near as much fanfare as I’d have expected, and I wonder why?  I pounced on a giveaway with this potential (#13, baby!) and the giveaway is giving me the results I’d have expected, too!  13 signups to my 2 lists so far – and we’re not even a day into the pre-launch yet!

For those who aren’t familiar with the business, JV giveaways are a win-win-win website setup where you have 3 major participants: the site admin, the contributors and the members.

The site admin wins hands down with a massive list, cash from the paid deals inside, and the publicity.

The members win by getting a lot of valuable free content which (hopefully) they’ll put to great use.  Tons of ebooks, software packages, discounts, MRR and PLR packages… All for the taking.

Contributors win because members typically leave their name and email address every time they download one of the contributor’s gifts.  We also get banner promotion, and commissions when we refer paying members.

In a good giveaway (and this isn’t the place to define “good”, but this giveaway will be a “good” one!) I can get hundreds or even thousands of subscribers to my lists.  And if I can’t monetize the giveaway off of commissions, I’ll monetize off of the list down the road.

Once inside, there are paid upgrade options.  In such a hot giveaway, I’ll generally take this offer because it gives me priority placement inside the giveaway, AND bonuses like banner rotation, which free members don’t get (and with my banners already typically converting 6-8% on these events, that’s worth something in it of itself!).

But I’m getting off topic.  I was mentioning that there’s been very little publicity so far, and that it’s odd because this isn’t just an event that I think will help me out – I’ve already seen results less than a day after launch, so I know that it’s a winner event.

Folks, in my opinion, if you’ve been looking for a place to build your list, this is it! Get in, and for best results, upgrade if you can!

Let’s build monstrous lists!

Categories: Blatant Sales Pitches

I never thought that duplication would actually scare me…

October 12th, 2009 5 comments

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Today, I was introduced to a brand new program.  I’ve been working a lot on some new promotions that I’ve been doing with SuccessQUIK, leading up to the launch of their newest member of the family (more on that next week, you can bet on it!).  Anyway, I’m not sure where it was that I promoted, but suddenly, within hours, no less than 3 people sent me the exact same cookie-cutter email.

First of all, I have to admit that it was extremely well written and put together, and if the site hadn’t disappoi9nted a bit – and more importantly, if I hadn’t gotten 3 identical emails – I might have actually paid it a bit more attention.

The site was something called 24/7 Autoprofits or something like that.  One of the things that I really hated about it was the complete lack of respect for referral tracking – no cookies of any sort to track the referrals, meaning that the administration probably gets a nice slice of the traffic coming in.  The folks that emailed me were intelligent enough to mask the domain, which at least helped keep the tracking in place for them, but digging up the domain beneath just while writing this post destroyed all of the tracking.

There were also hints of promising success after 12-18 months of a paid membership with no clue of how much that would be.  They also implied that there was a break-even point of 4 paid referrals.  Boy, if it takes 12-18 months for the average Joe to get 4 paid referrals, I’m staying away from that – and I could probably get those 4 in a couple of days!

But that’s not part of the duplication there, apparently, which makes it kinda worthless to me, from a network marketing standpoint.

Anyway, the biggest problem that I had were that the emails were EXACTLY the same.  I like duplication, but suddenly, getting the same email in such a small timeframe, from several different people who may even be strangers to one-another…  Well, that scared me a bit.

Duplication is all nice and well as long as you’re targetting different people, but this was a new, and kinda creepy experience.  I honestly haven’t quite decided what to learn from the experience yet.

The only off-the-cuff words of wisdom that I can offer now is that duplication is supposed to be the CORE of the system – but you really need to try to add personal touches to the duplicated system.  That’s a bit dangerous, I suppose, because chop the wrong word off and you screw up the system, but as long as everyone has access to the “master” or templates, it’ll probably work really well.  You’re still sending the same message that you can rest assured that YOUR people can promote, thus ensuring leverage, but each person gives a unique personal spin to it.

The result is priceless value in the resulting system.

So if anyone from 24/7 Autoprofits is reading this, then I have to say for the record that I think you guys did an incredible and awesome job.  It’s just a bit too perfect for my taste.  And if anyone wants to say the same about my own duplicatable systems that I’ve got out, let me just say that I’m more than happy when a downline member innovates and adds to the templates that I provide.

Thanks for sticking with me and I really hope that I didn’t piss anyone off (too much) – it wasn’t my intent to.

Back to work…

October 11th, 2009 No comments

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After a somewhat refreshing week of vacation (my wife kinda got sick the second day which put a bit of a damper on it, but hey – more time with the kids!), it’s back to work.  It’s kinda cool to get back into the work scene and back to the ocean views :)

All they had to say to me when I got back was…  “The hangers are still there

Gotta love it :D

Blogging Is NOT Rocket Science!

October 6th, 2009 4 comments

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People tend to have this impression that blogging is a hard thing.  One of the disciplines that I’m trying to cultivate in my SuccessQUIK downline is the importance of an “About Me” page.  For example, the very first page that I put on my blog (yes, this one) was an “About  me” page.

Of course, the number one complaint that I get is how hard it is.  How it’s too complicated.  They have no graphic skills (neither do I, and that’s NOT your problem).  They have no writing skills (you don’t NEED writing skills.  Unless you’re completely anti-social then your normal “talking to your buddies” skills will do fine).

Heck, I’m not exempt myself – how many years did I put off this odious task (only to discover how much fun it was)?

It was almost – not quite, but almost – to the point that I was starting to think that maybe I’m wrong and it really is that hard, when these two blogs popped up.

A fresh downline member of mine, Don Grace, is 58, retired, as much computer background as any other 58 year old around, and he set this up in a couple of hoursWay to go, Don! That’s a textbook example of how to start a blog, and that little start is going to be making heavy contributions to Don’s retirement funds.  I’ll put my own hard-earned money on that!

And then, just ours later, I got word from another friend, LJ, who barely has internet connectivity, and was barely maintaining a single page (LJ – if you’re reading this, add new stuff to new posts – properly done, that will help your Google rankings massively) and showed me this gem.  OK, so it’s not the prettiest blog in the planet, but hey – at least he’s trying to collect the money lying on the table.

So what’s your excuse?  Here’s my challenge – be it old or new, I want you to post a comment below with a link to your blog.  I don’t use “nofollow” in my comment links (if you don’t understand that last sentence – just nevermind it) so there’s plenty of Google PR (and free incoming links!)  for everyone who rises to the challenge!

This post, and challenge, is dedicated to you two, Don and LJ, for stepping up and doing the steps that you’re taught which are almost guaranteed you to start bringing in money.

Categories: Informational