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Practicing What I Preach

October 25th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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ResidualQUIK is still ticking…  The members are pouring in, and there are still plenty of legacy positions in the matrix.  I’ve already had one direct referral who’s had their position paid for FOR LIFE from spillover from me.
Lock in your upgrade right now!

Over the weekend, I’ve put a lot of important tools in place for the team.  For example, there’s this page which every single upgraded member in my downline (meaning YOUR referrals too!) will get to use.  And there’s the followup training email series which will break down on a day-to-day basis what exactly you need to do to succeed.  This series will duplicate so that your referrals can do the same as you do, ensuring the long-term success of the entire team.

Preparing this training material actually lit up a bulb in my head.  It occurred to me that I was being silly.  Rather than advertising and marketing the really good deal you’re getting on the advertising and residual income, I should have been marketing the incredibly amazing deal:
You see, I’ve got 89 members in my downline at SuccessQUIK.  And I plan on doing the same faster and better at ResidualQUIK, because I’ve already fine-tuned and proven the system that I’m using.
So forget about the advertising for a minute – for twenty five bucks a month, I’m going to teach you how to be a success at ANY ONLINE MLM opportunity.  That’s priceless value.  And we’re even going to practice it on a $25 deal which will be earning you profit after just 3 people enter your downline by an method.  So you’re not just getting an eBook, or DVD course which you have to apply on your own.  You’re getting real-life application of step-by-step blueprints to building your online empire!
Ready to take me up on the offer?
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