
Posts Tagged ‘organic search traffic’

Delicious Is About To Move – Why Is That Important For You?

September 16th, 2011 3 comments

If you have a delicious account, you probably got a notice asking you to log in and consent your approval to allow your account to be moved to a new company called AVOS next week.

So why, you ask, is that important enough to blog about?

Well, AVOS is a new internet company being put together by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, the creators of YouTube. YouTube has become one of the top websites on the Internet today, and people who have traffic coming to their videos are able to easily profit off of that.

It’s a pretty safe bet that Chad, Steve and their team will work tirelessly to make Delicious just as big.

Social networking is already known as a great traffic source, but can you imagine what it’s going to be like in two or three years if giants like the YouTube founders are pushing at it?

It’s probably going to be huge!

So what’s the point?

The point is that now you have an opportunity to be in the “pre-launch” of the next big thing on the internet. Start using your delicious account now, keep at it, and by the time it’s become even more massive, you’ll have yourself a nice well-aged profile that Google will use to feed traffic to your websites.

Yes, it’s a very long-term investment, but think about where you’d like to be in a few years, and how much traffic you’ll want then.

Do you think I’m wrong? Leave a comment below and let me know.