
Archive for November, 2009

The Difference Between Opting In, and Spamming Back

November 11th, 2009 7 comments

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I’ve started seeing a very disturbing phenomenon lately as my list has been going through major growth spurts.

I’ve always found that many time, people respond to my newsletter mailings by presenting their own offers.  I won’t go into how little of a chance such an email has of being acted on, but sometimes I’ll really at least take a look.  And anyway, fair’s fair.  That kind of behavios isn’t cool with me but it’s tolerable.

What I’m really having issues with is people who sign up to my list with an address with a vacation reply that replies to EVERY EMAIL with the same template response.

That’s annoying as heck!

If you sign up for someone’s list, and even do a double-opt-in, then you’re saying that you want to hear what I have to say.  It does not give you a license to pester me.  If you don’t care what I have to say, then just get off my list – I don’t want to waste my subscriber count on you anyway – there are more than enough people who care that I’d prefer to spend my hard earned money on communicating with.

So if you qualify in this category – to my lists or anyone else’s – do yourself a favor and just unsubscribe.

Categories: Informational