
Archive for September, 2009

I’ve Been Hiding

September 1st, 2009 No comments

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I’ve been having a quiet, but busy, few days. Lot’s of big news happening and more on the way. First of all, I’ve been making a lot of good progress with my SuccessQUIK team. Aside from Barb cycling over the weekend, we’ve had several new members join the team, and a lot of old members made a bang with the new “2 Prospects in 7 Days” system.

In other news, Ewen Chia’s Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 launched. At first I was worried because I really wanted a copy, but thought it was going to be priced at $100 or so (and I’m saving up for the Hitsilo launch that’s about to happen), but was happily surprised to find it at just $9.97 and even happier to find that I barely needed to pay even that, because Clickbank Pirate had already sold a copy and earned me commissions off of it (woohoo!)

So that’s a lot of reading that I have to finish.  Plus, I’ve also been brushing up on copywriting after this goldmine landed in my lap the other day.  HIGHLY recommended reading material.  (I can’t believe it’s free).  Hopefully in a few days I’ll get my nose out of the (e)books and get back to being my old chirpy self.