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The Difference Between Opting In, and Spamming Back

November 11th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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I’ve started seeing a very disturbing phenomenon lately as my list has been going through major growth spurts.

I’ve always found that many time, people respond to my newsletter mailings by presenting their own offers.  I won’t go into how little of a chance such an email has of being acted on, but sometimes I’ll really at least take a look.  And anyway, fair’s fair.  That kind of behavios isn’t cool with me but it’s tolerable.

What I’m really having issues with is people who sign up to my list with an address with a vacation reply that replies to EVERY EMAIL with the same template response.

That’s annoying as heck!

If you sign up for someone’s list, and even do a double-opt-in, then you’re saying that you want to hear what I have to say.  It does not give you a license to pester me.  If you don’t care what I have to say, then just get off my list – I don’t want to waste my subscriber count on you anyway – there are more than enough people who care that I’d prefer to spend my hard earned money on communicating with.

So if you qualify in this category – to my lists or anyone else’s – do yourself a favor and just unsubscribe.

Categories: Informational
  1. Kathy Gossett
    November 28th, 2009 at 00:13 | #1

    Thanks Issac.

    I really didn’t intend any harm.

    The reason that I sent three the same day was that I was responding to all of your own solicitations.

    I’m still not sure how I got myself on your list, but I’m glad we were able to work this out.
    I’m still very new to all of this, but I am aware of how damaging this sort of issue can be to a potential friendship or business relationship, so again, my apologies.

    For now, I would rather move forward with you as a potential friend, because I’m still trying to figure out what I’m even doing here, and all the offers pouring into my inbox is a bit overwhelming.

    If you happen to be at sta.rtup.biz, please visit my page and join my friends list. If you haven’t visited there, I recommend that you do, it’s a great community for doing business and making friends.

    Hope your holidays are filled with family and joy.


  2. November 26th, 2009 at 13:54 | #2

    Wow, thanks Kathy! I honestly wasn’t expecting any of the folks who were kicked off to actually respond.

    Here’s the deal: I’m really ok with you being on my list. And I’m ok with you sending me stuff back on occasion, and with some tact and variety.

    My problem, and this is what I was trying to express in the post, is when I get multiple emails that are carbon copies of one another and obviously from each individual post I send out – and quite possibly automated – that’s a different story.

    Without going into the specifics of the situation, the first email I got from you, I actually replied with a “Thank you for the information” email, and looked at it with genuine interest. Like you said turnaround is very much fair play, and in my opinion encouraged – but only to a certain degree.

    The second reply from you that day, I ignored; it was immediately obvious that it was a copy/paste of the first.

    The third in the same day (again, identical to the others) I responded to with a pointer to this post, and unsubscribed you from my list.

    I’m frankly flattered that you were concerned enough to comment mentioning that it wasn’t your intent, and that gives me hope that not every person whom I have to deal with this from is really a moron, since you’re obviously one who isn’t. :)

    And I’ve also learned that apparantly, not everyone who does this to me is doing it automated – sometimes people make mistakes.

    (PS I’m still not going to put you back on the list on the chance that you’re not interested, but you’re more than welcome to put yourself back or stay in touch even without beingon the list!)

  3. Kathy Gossett
    November 26th, 2009 at 00:56 | #3


    I’m responding to an email that I sent to you, regarding this very subject. I’m not sure how I ended up on your opt in list. It must have been when I first started trying everything on earth that sounded good at the time.
    I’ve grown since then and have chosen a few things to work with.
    As I’m sure you know, my inbox is inundated with spam every day. I know most of the junk I get comes from tracking cookies, so I figure turn about is fair play, so if I spammed you, please forgive. It was not my intention.

    Kathy Gossett

  4. November 17th, 2009 at 11:35 | #4

    Update: 5 members were silently banned from my lists for doing this this week. I’m so happy to no longer waste money on getting myself spammed!

  5. November 16th, 2009 at 11:02 | #5

    Heh – thanks guys :)

  6. November 16th, 2009 at 01:40 | #6

    I love being on your list Issac and I won’t spam you. If I do, yell at me. I am forgetful at times. LOL

  7. November 15th, 2009 at 16:33 | #7

    Well that sure lets then know my friend.
    That’s the way to do it.


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