Hit-Silo Launch Update

September 4th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

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I was originally going to post about this in another post, but didn’t want to get off-topic there with the Hitsilo specific news:

So I made a decision a while back to work on promoting Hitsilo, the new logiscape traffic exchange which is launching in a few days.  And I’m taking it quite seriously, for 2 reasons.

The first reason is that Logiscape has a solid base of massive traffic exchanges, and there’s always new traffic flowing there.

The second reason is the 70% commissions that they’re offering, which when combined with the above reason, makes for a great money-making opportunity (keep an eye out in the Doncha Love Getting Paid section in another month or so when the first checks come in ;) )

There’s a prelaunch signup list at http://www.Hit-Silo.com/ and Logiscape just announced that there will be a 3 hour window before the prelaunch notification and their official launch announcement which can be used to promote the TE before the official launch announcement.