
Archive for the ‘Traffic Exchanges ‘n’ More’ Category

Why I’ve GOT To Be Less Trigger-Happy

December 6th, 2009 No comments

Oops. Someone from Triple Your List contacted me today with an offer of theirs. The offer doesn’t matter, and neither does the member that contacted me.

When I see a clearly labeled message from a fellow TYL member, I try to give it a look, even if I suspect that it’s of no interest to me. After all, I want others to do that for my mails…

Anyway, the guy was marketing some VoIP service that sat in your phone jack, and I figured “Hey, I’m not really interested in this, but he’s obviously putting effort into his marketing campaign, so lets give him a leg up…”

So I Ctrl + Shift + R to open the reply window, type out a quick note thanking him for his efforts, apologizing for not buying what he’s obviously trying so hard to market, and offer him a bunch of advertising credits at an exchange where I have plenty to give away to give him a leg up and hit send.

After 20 seconds, I start thinking, “Boy, it’s taking a while to send this message”, but don’t think much of it until a few minutes later when I was looking through my sent-mail folder…

I see a masssssssive email. Lo and behold, its the one I just sent to the marketer…. And a CC list of 250 people! Ooops. Seems he mass mailed to a whole bunch of people and I had an itchy finger and hit reply-all without even thinking about that possibility.

So now I’ve offered 250 people a LOT of free advertising resources which I may pay for dearly if they all take me up on that. Hopefully they won’t. Hopefully they won’t all think I’m trying to spam them.

Lesson learned: Double check the To AND cc list for every email you send! :)

Jason James is at it again! (Time to upgrade my autoresponder subscription!)

November 18th, 2009 1 comment

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It’s that time of year again.  Jason James is (finally!) doing another Greedy Giveaway.  I wait breathlessly for this once-or-twice-a-year event because since the 2nd (I missed the first) they ALWAYS build a hot list for me.

They’re also dirt cheap, generous on commissions, and massive events (several thousand members each time)

Heck, I didn’t even know who Jason was until I signed up (without upgrading!) to the Greedy Giveaway 2 back in summer ’08 and saw an odd site giving me masses of signups and went back to see what the heck the site was – I’d forgotten that I was even a contributor, and hadn’t promoted AT ALL, and couldn’;t understand why I was getting 100 signups to my sites in a week.

The second time around I’d upgraded and promoted, and…  Well, suffice it to say that it paid off BIG TIME!

Want your few hundred subscribers?  Get started by signing up for free, here.

OH yeah, I almost forgot this insane twist that Jason’s added this time.  I personally think he’s a bit off his rocker, and he’s gonna LOSE money on this, so you might want to join and lock in the deal before he comes to his senses, but he’s giving $1 away for EVERY SINGLE active contributor you bring on board, on top of the normal commissions.

I don’t want to miss out on that – sign me up!

Oh yeah – one last thing is you’ve only got a week to get in before the contributors doors close for good, so don’t waste time!

See you on the inside (hopefully hundreds of subscribers “richer” ;) ),

Why I almost cried! …And why that’s good for everyone else!

November 16th, 2009 No comments

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Before I got around to crying, I think I set a world record for saying “Wow!” yesterday.  The occasion certainly deserved it; my good buddys Paul Kinder, Jon Olson and Tim Linden invited me to take a sneak preview of their recently relaunched TE Toolbox, and…..  WOW!!!

Let me clarify: many of you know of my smart rotator system, called The Traffic Optimizer.  I won’t go into details of what exactly it does (you can look at a demo here if you really want.  I’ll wait.  Ready to go on?)  Anyway, I spent years perfecting the system.  It’s got ranked weights on the sites.  It’s got subrotators.  It’s got the ability to filter the views on the websites shown so that members of a given site don’t see ads for that site… EVER!  It’s hosted on Google’s network of servers so that the images and audios go lightning fast.  It’s got my own state-of-the-art tracking system.

It is, in short, what took me from a hobbiest with a list of 150 or so, to a pro with a name and face that the Gurus in the industry know and respect, a list of over 2,500, and a monthly residual income of hundreds of dollars.  Every month.

And I just threw half of it out the window.  Because TE Toolbox trumped me BIG TIME!  And the best part is that I can benefit from almost every single feature I mentioned above at TE Toolbox for less than 500 dollars!  Less than 100 dollars!  Heck, less than 100 quarters!

Want me to keep going?

Less than 100 nickels…  Or 100 pennies…  Or even 1 penny…

That’s right, free, non-premium-upgraded members DO get to play with the premium toys!

* Every link you send can be fully tracked right through to signup – even if you are a free member!
* Options to set the rotator to include frames, or have no frames, making it 100% advertisement-free – even if you are a free member!
* You don’t get one splash and squeeze page maker, you get TWO – even if you are a free member!
* You get to add your own sounds or speech hosted on a worldwide-spanning content network for lightning fast display – even if you are a free member!
* You can host 5 pictures or images on the same robust content network as the audios – even if you are a free member!
* You can earn great commissions from your downline – even if you are a free member!

I almost cried when I counted the hours and dollars that I’ve spent over the past 2 years and planned on selling for hundreds of dollars per month – and people have been BEGGING for my system at ANY price – only to see Paul, Tim and Jon go behind my back and spill the beans for NOTHING per month with TE Toolbox!

It’s so good, even *I’m* using their tools already!  And I haven’t even found the time to finish looking at all of the great features, yet, like the downline builder, the profit-pounding thank-you-offer rotator, the deluze banner rotator, the innovative site filtering, the incredible statistics interface with instant up-to-date results, 3 months history and sortable interface!


what the heck are you STILL doing reading this?  Go join TE Toolbox now!

Go away.  Stop reading.  You’re wasting precious marketing time!

PS.  OK, ok.  You’re going to be a treasure hunter, eh?  OK – here’s the deal, but let’s keep it quiet, ok?  After you sign up, you’re going to be offered an incredible one year top-level upgrade… for less than 3 figures!  And if that’s too much, there’s a monthly upgrade available for under 10 bucks…  But you’ve GOT to take it when you sign up, or pay more later on!  I won’t even tell you how much, because it’s just not as good a deal as this!  But remember – despite this being a steal, you’ll lose far more by not using the incredible free features now, than waiting to upgrade later.

Join TE Toolbox right this minute!

My Secret Signup Weapon

November 15th, 2009 1 comment

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Today, I want to share with you the secret weapon I’ve been using to generate incredible amounts of signups – with a whopping 20% conversion rate!

For those of you who are getting training from me, you’ll know that at the end, I talk about using blogs, forums and social media as a continual source of leads for whatever you do online. Well, 2 months ago, a new hot traffic exchange called Hitsilo launched, and boy has it been a gold mine! Not for the traffic exchange (necessarily), and not for the banner exchange either. But for the social networking community there.

You see, I’ve been leveraging the ability to communicate with all of the members there to generate massive amounts of signups to programs that I promote.

Before I explain how I do it, let me quickly mention what I do not do. I do not just spam hundreds of users per day. I also do not just send them a sales pitch.

What I do is actually browse the contacts there to find out about them. Their photo, their username, sometimes their name, and sometimes their blogs/comments. I can also see when they signed up, what level member they are (which tells me if they’re already spending money) and in many cases, if they’ve been actively surfing lately.

I then use a template message (always use a template, just so that you can track how well they work, let alone to avoid typing for hours), and modify it for the user I’m sending it to, based on what I’ve learned. I’ll use the message to communicate with the user and empathize with them by relating with them on a personal level.

Then, I’ll offer my program as a gift, or thank-you token. After a genuine personal message, this will usually go over much better, and will increase my conversion rate. I make sure that the sales or signup funnel that they see matches my gift offer as much as possible.

Also, by not mass sending these – I usually don’t do more than 25 a day, which over a membership of 250% more than that – it means that I’m only hitting a fraction of a percent of membership base a day, in the hopes to not upset the people (or admins) by over-abusing the system.

Also, the fact that I myself am upgraded shows that I put my money where my mouth is, and am not trying to scam people into spending money where I myself won’t.

This has really worked great for me and with a little out-of-the-box thinking, I’m sure you can do the same – or better!

I’m On The Front Page of Traffic-Splash

October 26th, 2009 No comments

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You know, it’s a good feeling when you can qualify a friend and business partner whom you highly respect, and they return the respect by qualifying you.

Paul Kinder‘s no exception.

Traffic Splash has been my number one referral for folks joining my personal mailing lists, which are the top of my marketing funnels, and is probably responsible for thousands of dollars of income for me over the past two years.

Thanks a lot for all you’ve done, Paul!