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Sexism or damn good copy?

December 10th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

There’s been a bit of an uproar over a recent dockers ad as alg_dockers_adpart of their man-ifesto campaign.  The NY Daily News did a writeup on this where they quoted several sources calling Dockers “sexist” or take[ing] an unnecessary snipe at gay men”.

I don’t see Dockers going out to bash anyone.

I see Dockers doing a kick-ass job of good copy.

Let’s look a bit closer at the message, shall we?

There’s a rich variety of emotional triggers drenching the contents of this ad.  Ranging from “Readily Available” in the “Shop Now” buttons which double as half of the call to action (the other half being “Wear the pants” if the highlighting and large text weren’t enough to tip you off ;) ) to the reputation of people who wear dockers pants (“real men”).  From the perceived status value of wearing the pants (“heroes”, “grown-ups”, “getting your hands dirty”, helping the “little old ladies in the street” to “get to the other side”, to the irresistible invitation to join the club: “It’s time to wear the pants”.

I, for one, want to give the marketing folks at dockers a big round of applause for the great copy!  Great job, men and women!

Just, eh, put your money where your mouths are, and lay off the non-fat latte – only full cream for the guys in the marketing department from now on, k? :)

Categories: Informational
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