
Archive for the ‘Blatant Sales Pitches’ Category

Hitsilo Launch Announced

September 25th, 2009 No comments

Logiscape has just announced that Hitsilo will be launching today at 10:00 AM PDT

Can’t wait for the launch!

Social Media Giveaway

September 8th, 2009 No comments

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Today, Brad Smith of Easter JV Giveaway fame, launched the 5 Day Giveaway (Mark II). It’s an interesting launch, because Brad completely re-wired the giveaway platform to work with social media, so rather than having sales letters for invitations (well, in addition to them, anyway), you just enter your details for social networks, and it does all of the advertising for you.

I’m really excited to see how things work out – Brad’s giveaways attract visitors in the tens of thousands, which makes for massive list building potential (for details on that, you might want to visit and I’m hoping to cash in on this with another burst to my lists.

This time, I’m doing a few things different – both with the way I’m setting up my products, and (in the spirit of the social-networking aspect) in the ways that I’ve been promoting.

Watch this spot for more info on how it goes!

(I’m on twitter! Click the twitter button to the right to follow me!)

Hit-Silo Launch Update

September 4th, 2009 No comments

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I was originally going to post about this in another post, but didn’t want to get off-topic there with the Hitsilo specific news:

So I made a decision a while back to work on promoting Hitsilo, the new logiscape traffic exchange which is launching in a few days.  And I’m taking it quite seriously, for 2 reasons.

The first reason is that Logiscape has a solid base of massive traffic exchanges, and there’s always new traffic flowing there.

The second reason is the 70% commissions that they’re offering, which when combined with the above reason, makes for a great money-making opportunity (keep an eye out in the Doncha Love Getting Paid section in another month or so when the first checks come in ;) )

There’s a prelaunch signup list at and Logiscape just announced that there will be a 3 hour window before the prelaunch notification and their official launch announcement which can be used to promote the TE before the official launch announcement.

Hitsilo Launches In Sept 2009

August 27th, 2009 2 comments

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If there’s brand of trafffic exchanges with an almost perfect history, it’s Logiscape. They brought us Hit-Pulse. They brought us TS25. They brought Traffic Pods. They clocked us with Traffic Era in January 2008…

And now, comes the biggest and baddest new member to their family.

Hit-Silo will be launching in September, 2009.

We know that this will be a massive launch. Logiscape exchanges always rock… But this time they’re doing something they’ve never done before: CASH COMMISSIONS.

Logiscape announced that this will be their first ever Traffic Exchange that pays cold hard cash (one assumes that they don’t mean Logibucks) – up to 70% commissions!

Watch this space for more info, or sign up for the prelaunch list here.

My Thoughts on GVO

August 25th, 2009 No comments

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I hadn’t planned on signing up…

Honestly, I didn’t mean to do anything with the GVO launch. I kinda half-signed-up, and through some glitch in the system, even though I hadn’t finished signing up, I was still added to the Matrix anyway.

This is what I saw in my inbox this morning:

screenshot of my email box this morning!

That caught my attention. Did I pay the $1 trial? You bet!

The reason was one reason, and one alone. DESPITE the fact that I don’t need the hosting plan (I have my own privately owned and privately managed servers, thank you very much), as a business investment, I’d be insane not to take this up based on the above performace which only happened by accident!!! And I’m sure that I’ll find the chat rooms, autoresponder system and all of the other goodies helpful too, but most importantly: I’m planning to profit off of this.

You really need to take a look at this webpage and sign up - just $1 and look what it’s already done BEFORE THE LAUNCH!